Saturday, September 20, 2008

new article on homesteading

I have written a new article on Helium about generating income on the homestead.
It is not a comprehensive article by any means but is meant to jump start your idea process.
If I have learned anything about homesteading it is that as much as we have in common, what works for one person will not necessarily work for the next.
The whole purpose of the prepared christian is to get you thinking about how you can use what God has given you, for His glory and to expand His kingdom.
If you look at the last point I made in the sermon on "Living a quite life" you will see I said something like we can't help others if we are the ones that need the help.
The way this country is headed is frightful if you don't have Christ.
If you do have Christ then you have taken the first step.
I pray you will be able to take more.

You can see the article here:

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